Friday, April 22, 2011


Well here we are again. Not much has been going on lately. I'm in the process of finishing some last minute school work before graduation, while packing so I can move again. That means not much art stuff going on, unfortunately.

I did learn some exciting news, however. I learned that I have been accepted in the Bemidji Sculpture Walk this year. My sculpture (the welded flower I told you about before) will be installed some time on May 20, 2011. I'm not sure where it will be located yet, but I'm pretty darn excited. It will be up for a year so if you are in the Bemidji area some time within the next year be sure to check it out and tell me what you think.

Monday, April 11, 2011

On to the next step

My exhibit in the Ramsey gallery is up and running. The opening reception went well. I'm feeling pretty good about it, too. If you are in the Bemidji, MN area I recommend checking it out and letting me know what you think either here or in my guest book. I will get pictures uploaded for those who cannot make it, though.

But now that this is done and I (almost) have free time, what is the next step?

I'm back to working on some smaller scale plaster sculptures, just for fun. What I'm really excited about working on is my copper jewelry. I will be selling earrings and necklaces as soon as I get enough made. I'm also planning ahead for some fine art and craft fairs I'm going to be entering. The one I'm looking forward to the most is Holidays By Hand in December. I know it's a ways away, but there will be some amazing talent and wonderful people there.

I'm also keeping an eye out for various shows that I can enter my sculptures in. I'm also waiting to hear from the Bemidji Sculpture Walk to find out if my welded flower is going to be accepted.

Looks like I've got a lot going on again, but that's okay, I'm doing what I love :)