Thursday, March 31, 2011

Excitement is in the air!

Well, I set up my solo exhibit in less then 48 hours... Wow, the time has gone by fast. All of my pieces are done, just have to photograph and transport them. This puts me at 11 sculptures for this show and I'm actually happy with all of them.

I have to give a lot of thanks to everyone who has helped me through all of this. Without your positive support and advice I don't think I could have gotten to this point and still been functioning. I think I might be just as excited as everyone else to see how my show comes together.

Opening reception is April 8, 2011 from 1p-3p CST in the Ramsey gallery on the Bemidji State University campus. I encourage y'all to show up if you can and sign the guest book. If not I will have pictures uploaded as soon as I get them.

Needless to say I'm excited, I have been waiting for this day for quite some time. This means that now I'll have time to work on some of my jewelry, too. :P

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tick tock, tick tock

Well the count down in definitely on. Only ten more days until I set up my solo show. I still have some work to get done, but for the most part I'm feeling pretty good about it. I've got a few days of hard work to do, but I have a plan so it isn't overwhelming... yet lol.

I'm almost done with my submissions to the scholarship show on the Bemidji State University campus, too. I'm pretty excited about this. I have three pieces that I am submitting, two sculptures and one enameled jewelry piece. I will be photographing them for my portfolio within the week so you all can see them soon.

One of my sculptures for the scholarship show will also be entered to in the Sculpture Walks in Bemidji, Mn. This is what I am the most excited about, not just because of the potential awards, but because this means my sculpture could be on display for an entire year in the community. It's also one of the sculptures that I am the most proud of.  

In fact, here is picture of it almost finished. I just need to rust it a little bit, seal it, then photograph it in front of a backdrop for my portfolio. Well, I also need to come up with a name for it, too. Believe it or not this stands about 5 feet tall and is mostly made out of washers, hex nuts, and chain. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just Breath...

Well, here I am again...

I've been enjoying a couple days of relaxing, because I know I won't have much time for the next month or so...

I'll be photographing some of my pieces this week and uploading them to my gallery, so you'll actually have something to look at (if it all works out of course, lol). Honestly, this is one of the things I'm looking forward to the most.

I'm also going to be applying to four shows that I'm pretty excited about. Unfortunately they are all due within a week from each other, so I can't put the time into them that I'd like to. When it gets a little closer I'll let you know what shows they are and if I'm accepted to them.

I've also got an interview for a graduate school program that takes place the week that all the show deadlines are... Let's just say I'm nervous... that might be an understatement. And I've got an application deadline for another graduate school due when everything else is due...

As I learn what I am and am not accepted to, I'll fill you in. Until then I'm just going to try to remember to breath and hope for the best! Wish me luck, I think I need it! Lol.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The start of something great?

Hello and welcome.

My name is Nicole C (I would hope that was obvious, but you never know) and I am a 3-dimensional artist. I make both sculptures and jewelry. My jewelry is usually copper, but sometimes I work with pewter because of the textures I'm able to achieve with it. My sculptures, on the other hand, are mostly some sort of cloth and resin combination.

I am also in the process of creating a web site as an online portfolio for my art. I will be working on documenting all of my sculptures and jewelry within the coming weeks and will be uploading them as I have time. Unfortunately, as a full time student and working 3/4 time at an adult foster care home I am fairly limited on the time I can work on everything I would like to with my art.

Anyways, I am looking forward to getting to know you. Who knows, maybe this will be the start of something big?