Monday, March 14, 2011

Just Breath...

Well, here I am again...

I've been enjoying a couple days of relaxing, because I know I won't have much time for the next month or so...

I'll be photographing some of my pieces this week and uploading them to my gallery, so you'll actually have something to look at (if it all works out of course, lol). Honestly, this is one of the things I'm looking forward to the most.

I'm also going to be applying to four shows that I'm pretty excited about. Unfortunately they are all due within a week from each other, so I can't put the time into them that I'd like to. When it gets a little closer I'll let you know what shows they are and if I'm accepted to them.

I've also got an interview for a graduate school program that takes place the week that all the show deadlines are... Let's just say I'm nervous... that might be an understatement. And I've got an application deadline for another graduate school due when everything else is due...

As I learn what I am and am not accepted to, I'll fill you in. Until then I'm just going to try to remember to breath and hope for the best! Wish me luck, I think I need it! Lol.


  1. Bwhahaha...I am OFFICIALLY following you! :P Good luck on your interviews!

  2. :-D I'm always here if you need to vent. Can't wait to hopefully see you this weekend! Miss ya chickie! <3
